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You’ve probably heard about the importance of a healthy work/life balance. Sometimes, that balance can get away from us.
But, it’s more than just a saying. Balancing out your work life with the rest of your life is essential for your mental, physical, and emotional health.
So, how can you tell if your work and life are out of balance, and not in sync with one another?
There are a few signs to be aware of. The sooner you take a look at your work and life, and how they mesh together, the sooner you can be aware of any of these warning signs.
1. You’re Tired
It’s normal to be tired or even fatigued from time to time. But, it shouldn’t be your default. Whether you’re not getting enough sleep at night because you’re stressed about work, or you wake up feeling tired even if you got eight restful hours, tiredness is often a sign of a problem.

Fatigue, especially when you’ve rested, is your brain trying to tell you it is overloaded and overworked.
2. You Have No Patience
People who don’t balance their work and life in a healthy way may often find themselves on the irritable side. If your patience constantly seems to be wearing thin, it could be a sign that you’re overly-stressed.
One way to combat this is to think about the things you’re grateful for, and journal about them. When your mind is consumed by work and the stress that goes with it, it’s easier to “snap” at people.
3. You Can’t Remember When You Last Laughed
When was the last time you went out and really had a good time? When was the last time you laughed uncontrollably at something funny?

Can’t remember? When you bury yourself in work, it’s easy to lose sight of the things you love and the things that make you happy. Make a commitment to do one thing that makes you happy each day. It can make a big difference in how you feel about work, and life in general.
4. You’re Having Relationship Issues
When all of your focus is on work, it’s hard to focus on friendships, family, and romantic relationships. As a result, these connections can start to struggle. You may not be invited out with your friends (because you have been chronically unavailable), or you may start getting into arguments with your spouse more frequently than usual.
Relationships take time and attention. If you’re only giving that attention to your job, the relationships will suffer.
5. You Can’t Disconnect
Are you constantly looking at your phone? Checking emails from work? Responding to your boss or co-workers at all hours of the night? Are you staying awake at night reviewing perceived mistakes from today, or anticipating problems for tomorrow?
Being able to disconnect from work at the end of the day is crucial for your mental health. Give yourself time to just relax without focusing on technology. Put your phone away for at least an hour a day and be mindful of what’s going on around you.
The more you can leave work at work, the better off you’ll be in other areas of your life.
6. You’re Afraid of Failure
Often, people who can’t balance work and their lives are perfectionists. You work so much because you want to achieve the highest goals and achieve multiple accomplishments.
There’s nothing wrong with having expectations for yourself. But, they have to be realistic. If you’re struggling in other areas of your life because you’re trying to be perfect, you could be putting yourself at risk for mental health conditions like anxiety or depression.
If you don’t balance out work and your life, you’re likely to quickly burn out, and become irritable along the way. By paying attention to these signs, you can have a better idea of whether you need to take a step back and find a better balance.
If you still need help or want to know more about a healthy work/life balance, feel free to contact me for information.
Contact Me
I know how stressful and demanding it can be to make changes in your life, but you don’t have to figure it out on your own. Some of the benefits of individual therapy include:
- Having a safe, confidential space to work through life’s struggles
- Speaking openly with a highly-trained professional
- Learning to be curious about oneself and become more mindful about your choices
- Identifying relationship patterns that are helpful, or existing patterns that are interfering with your growth and wellbeing.
- I offer online therapy (video conference style of therapy), which provides an increased level of comfort as you could meet with me from the privacy and comfort of your own home or other location.
You can request a specific appointment time that fits your schedule. Once confirmed, you can complete all New Patient Intake paperwork online as well.
*** The tips offered in this article are for general information and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. For more personalized recommendations appropriate to your individual situation, please contact us or obtain professional guidance.
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