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Inspirational Verses to Manage Anxiety

No matter the trials or times of darkness we endure, turning to God and His counsel can help us to find peace, comfort, and reassurance. That’s especially true if you’re dealing with anxiety.

Anxiety can be crippling and debilitating at times. Feelings of fear, helplessness, and even hopelessness are undeniably human. Resting on our faith when we’re feeling anxious can help us feel stable, calm, and grounded again.

When you are reminded through the Holy Scriptures that you are known and loved as an individual, this can strengthen you and empower you against your struggles.

This doesn't mean that feelings of anxiety or fear are a result of a lack of faith! But connecting deeper with your spiritual foundations can help you take that knowledge with you through your day, and fight back against your fearful thoughts. 

So, what are some of the most inspirational verses that can help you with your anxiety? 

Focusing on Worry

The Bible isn’t shy about telling us we will face trials and many people will be anxious. But, Jesus also encourages us not to be driven by this fear. Perhaps the most notable verse about anxiousness is Matthew 6:25-27, in which Jesus says; 

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”

Matthew 6:25-27, New Living Translation

So having anxiety does not mean that you aren't being faithful, it is part of what God knew we would experience in mortality. And yet He reaches out to us to remember that we are His, and that if he is aware of the birds and flowers' needs, then He is aware and cares about our individual needs too. We are His creation and He wants to comfort us in our trials and weaknesses.

Other verses that can help you to understand your anxieties and worries include: 

  • Matthew 11: 28-30
  • Luke 12: 25
  • Matthew 6:34

Giving Your Anxieties to God

The Bible tells us in the verses above that we should not allow ourselves to give in to anxiety. Obviously, that’s easier said than done at times. But, when you know that you can cast your anxieties on God, it makes it easier to let go of the fears that might otherwise try to control you. 

Cast your burden on the Lord.

Sometimes the hardest part of any struggle is feeling like you are facing it all alone. Remembering that we have a loving God who is always there for us, 24/7, helps ease that burden.

Christ can put peace into your heart if you open yourself up to him. So if you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, consider handing it over for a while.

Psalm 55:22 says,

“Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” 

Psalm 55:22, New Living Translation

This means that God wants to take our troubles and worries and anxieties away. You just have to be willing to hand them over instead of clinging to them. 

Verses for the Everyday

By diving into the scriptures each day, you can take comfort in knowing God wants to take your anxieties from you. While specific verses can be very helpful as “mantras” to keep us focused, it is important to feast from scriptures often. This is how we build a relationship with God by knowing His nature and characteristics.

Remember to look at verses in context. Dive into what God is really telling you and how he calmed the fears of others throughout the history of mankind. 

Psalm 56:3 says,

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Similar verses about trusting God with your fears include: 

Psalm 56:3, New Living Translation
  • Proverbs 3: 5-6
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Romans 8:31

By recognizing every day that God has overcome the world and is greater than anything that could bring you harm, you may begin to find some peace. 

Many believers call their faith a “walk with God”. That’s because it’s a lifelong journey. The Bible isn’t something you read once and expect major changes. It’s about developing a one-on-one relationship with God, so you know with certainty that he is there for you, he cares for you, and he can take away your fears and worries.

Contact Me

If you’re struggling to forgive others or you want to learn more, feel free to contact me. By practicing forgiveness, you’re allowing yourself to take another step forward without the heavy baggage dragging you back to darker places. Let’s work on ways to do that, together.

I know how stressful and demanding it can be to make changes in your life, but you don’t have to figure it out on your own.   Some of the benefits of individual therapy include:

  • Having a safe, confidential space to work through life’s struggles
  • Speaking openly with a highly-trained professional
  • Learning to be curious about oneself and become more mindful about your choices
  • Identifying relationship patterns that are helpful, or existing patterns that are interfering with your growth and wellbeing.
  • I offer online therapy (video conference style of therapy), which provides an increased level of comfort as you could meet with me from the privacy and comfort of your own home or other location.

You can request a specific appointment time that fits your schedule. Once confirmed, you can complete all New Patient Intake paperwork online as well.

*** The tips offered in this article are for general information and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. For more personalized recommendations appropriate to your individual situation, please contact us or obtain professional guidance.

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Inspirational Bible Verses for Grief and Loss

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  • Jennifer Tzoumas

    I hold active licenses for independent practice in Texas and Pennsylvania, and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) granted from the PSYPACT Commission, that allows for independent practice in approximately 30 of the 50 United States (check https://www.verifypsypact.org/ to see if your state participates). I have been married for 25 years, and have two teenage daughters. Although I enjoy social gatherings in small doses, I am more of an introvert (I prefer working one-on-one, or in small groups). Outside the office, I consider myself an avid reader, recreational runner/weight lifter, and part-time gardener. I am active in my church and enjoy watching my daughters in their activities (dance, TaeKwonDo, and marching band).

Published on Categories Anxiety, Spirituality

About Jennifer Tzoumas

I hold active licenses for independent practice in Texas and Pennsylvania, and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) granted from the PSYPACT Commission, that allows for independent practice in approximately 30 of the 50 United States (check https://www.verifypsypact.org/ to see if your state participates). I have been married for 25 years, and have two teenage daughters. Although I enjoy social gatherings in small doses, I am more of an introvert (I prefer working one-on-one, or in small groups). Outside the office, I consider myself an avid reader, recreational runner/weight lifter, and part-time gardener. I am active in my church and enjoy watching my daughters in their activities (dance, TaeKwonDo, and marching band).

2 thoughts on “Inspirational Verses to Manage Anxiety

  1. Pingback: Forgiving Others: Why it Matters & How to Begin Now

  2. Linda Bayer

    I find it hard sometimes to believe that God is looking out for me. I feel lost and alone and wonder where He is and why I have difficulty feeling His presence in my life. I know that He is there’s, that He loves me and is always present in my life. But sometimes feeling His presence is difficult.


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