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Mindfulness & Guided Relaxation Exercises

Mindfulness & Guided Relaxation Exercises

There are a million mindfulness and relaxation exercises online these days, and here are a few we have made over the years. Some are short and brief (3 Min Breathing Space) and others are longer to help you really focus on deepening your mindfulness and relaxation response. Remember, relaxation can't be forced, but like all exercises, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Therefore, pick and choose what works for you today. Additionally, these are all on our YouTube Channel for your ease of access.

Benefits of Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness Explained: 3 Core Principles

Types of Meditation

20 Min Guided Meditation with Ocean Imagery

Surprisingly, this was the first relaxation exercise I ever recorded! It's about 20 minutes long and includes a body scan from head to toe for a focus on releasing physical tension and stress, as well as relaxing ocean and beach imagery.

General Relaxation Training with Mountain Imagery

This is the same relaxation exercise as above, but ends with Mountain imagery instead of beach/ocean imagery. (20 minutes)

3 Minute Breathing Space

Although you may feel short on time, everyone has time to take 3 minutes to pause and ground yourself to the present moment.

Body Appreciation

No matter your size, shape, weight, or fitness level, you probably have areas of your body that you struggle to appreciate. This brief 12 minute exercise can start the process of befriending the body and really appreciating your body from a different perspective.

Learning to Practice the Pause

Cultivating Laughter During Difficult Times

Understanding Mindfulness - What it is and How it Can Help.

6 Ways Mindfulness Helps Physical Pain

The Healing Power of Pets