Online counseling (teletherapy) is a form of psychological service provided using a secure Internet connection. It has the same purpose, as psychotherapy or psychological treatment sessions that are conducted face-to-face. It involves arranging an appointment time with the client at their computer or smartphone, and the therapist connecting from their computer via the Internet.

Clients wishing to receive online counseling services must have a computer or smartphone with Internet access and webcam capability.
Some possible advantages of online counseling include:
Convenient - You can reduce your travel time to and from appointments when you do not have to include time to drive to a physical doctor's office.
Comfortable - You can receive services in the comfort of your own home, or other location of your choosing, as long as you have privacy.
Private - If you desire an even greater level of privacy, teletherapy means you do not have to worry about seeing other people you may know in a waiting room or parking lot.
Cost effective - less time off from work to accommodate travel time.
Specialty care - You can access care from specialist that you otherwise may not have in your geographical area.
Less disruptive - Do you have trouble leaving the house? Trouble arranging care for young children or elderly family members in your care? You do not have to miss out on services you desire. Schedule at a time that is convenient for you while remaining close to those in your care.
Teletherapy is a great option that provides same high-quality care as face to face sessions. However, it may not be right for you if:
- You do not have internet connection and smart phone or web cam capability.
- You are in a life-threatening crisis and need to be seen immediately.
- Due to the inherent differences in conversing online verses in person, you just prefer in-person face to face interactions.
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*** The tips offered in this article are for general information and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. For more personalized recommendations appropriate to your individual situation, please contact us or obtain professional guidance.
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