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How Heaven Helps You: 5 Key Benefits of Living Your Faith


Being a Christian is often misunderstood, even by our own expectations. Sometimes we expect that having faith means life will be easy. The reality is, it isn’t supposed to be “easy” to be a Christian. But actively living your faith allow Heaven to lighten the load.

Jesus calls Christians to take up their cross and follow Him. That means going through difficult times. But, when you’re able to accept the inevitable difficulties in life and not loose your your faith, the rewards and benefits will come.

Heaven helps you through those difficult times because Christ has told you he has plans to prosper you.

So, what are some of the biggest key benefits of living your faith?

1. You’ll Never Be Alone

God won’t ever leave you. We are known to Him and can have a personal relationship with Him, not just in Heaven, but now!

So, even when things feel impossible, He is still there. You might get lonely, scared, or worried. You might sin and think you don’t know what you’re doing. The good news is that you’ll always have someone to talk to when you’re connected to your faith. It is something that is not just available on Sunday or special occasions, but every single day, no matter where you are.

2. Living Your Faith Means You Can Forgive Others

May praying

Jesus calls us to forgive and forgive again. Our humanness doesn’t always make that easy. When we feel wronged, it’s much easier to hold a grudge or to hang onto the hurt, anger and betrayal we might feel.

In fact, forgiving others may be an especially hard part of putting your faith into action. However, when you remember all your own faults, and know that Jesus forgave you for these imperfections, it becomes easier to forgive people in your life who may have done you wrong.

Sometimes forgiving ourselves is hard to do, even while living our faith. Check out We All Make Mistakes for more on this.

3. You’ll Attract Others to Christ

Through your actions like forgiveness, you can be a light in the world, attracting others to Jesus. Because Christians are called to a higher aspirational standard, we will stand out to others. It’s impossible for people of the world not to take notice.

They might think it’s strange at first, or they might become curious about why you have such a light about you. That can help to give you many opportunities to talk about the good news of Christ's gospel, and maybe even bring others to Christ.

4. Your Work Efforts Will Be Excellent

When you live your faith, you understand that everything you do underscores who you work for. It’s not a boss, a manager, or a business. We’re called to live how Jesus lived, and even Jesus had a job!

Ultimately, you know who your real boss is, and everything you do – even in your career, should be to please Him. You won't want to take any shortcuts or lower your quality of work. This shift in your motivation and dedication will benefit you in your job, in your relationships, and more.

5. Faith Helps You Be Grateful


Life isn’t always easy. We all go through storms and difficult situations. You may even ask yourself why God allows these things to happen (Pointing Fingers of Blame).

But, when you’re truly living your faith, you can take comfort in knowing that, in the end, God wins. Even through the trials and tribulations, you can be grateful for that, and grateful for the things He has given you.

There are plenty of sayings about counting your blessings. But, when you really stop to do that, you’ll undoubtedly see how much God has blessed you that you can be grateful for. Reminding yourself of those things when you’re struggling can help you turn your thoughts around. The strength to get through whatever life throws at you is possible because you know God is on your side.

Your faith allows you to have an eternal perspective. Your mind can focus on Heaven and the higher good, not the temporary challenges of your life. Living and sharing your faith makes that easier to do. As a result, you’ll be able to remain a dedicated and faithful servant of the Lord, and your actions can draw others to Him, as well.

If you’re feeling like you need help identifying how your faith impacts your life, please contact me. Together, we can find better ways for you to discover your true values and gain more peace and life satisfaction.

I offer online counseling (video conference style of therapy) which provides increased level of comfort as you could meet with me from privacy of your own home.

You can request a specific appointment time that fits your schedule. Once confirmed, you can complete all New Patient Intake paperwork online as well.

*** The tips offered in this article are for general information and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. For more personalized recommendations appropriate to your individual situation, please contact us or obtain professional guidance.

LDS Counseling

Key Benefits of Gratitude Practices: More Than Just Positive Thinking

We All Make Mistakes - It's OK to Give Yourself a Break.

What to Do When Faith Isn't Enough to Prevent Suffering

Forgiving Others - Why it Matters and How to Begin

Understanding Self-Blame

Pointing Fingers of Blame


  • Jennifer Tzoumas

    I hold active licenses for independent practice in Texas and Pennsylvania, and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) granted from the PSYPACT Commission, that allows for independent practice in approximately 30 of the 50 United States (check https://www.verifypsypact.org/ to see if your state participates). I have been married for 25 years, and have two teenage daughters. Although I enjoy social gatherings in small doses, I am more of an introvert (I prefer working one-on-one, or in small groups). Outside the office, I consider myself an avid reader, recreational runner/weight lifter, and part-time gardener. I am active in my church and enjoy watching my daughters in their activities (dance, TaeKwonDo, and marching band).

Published on Categories Spirituality

About Jennifer Tzoumas

I hold active licenses for independent practice in Texas and Pennsylvania, and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) granted from the PSYPACT Commission, that allows for independent practice in approximately 30 of the 50 United States (check https://www.verifypsypact.org/ to see if your state participates). I have been married for 25 years, and have two teenage daughters. Although I enjoy social gatherings in small doses, I am more of an introvert (I prefer working one-on-one, or in small groups). Outside the office, I consider myself an avid reader, recreational runner/weight lifter, and part-time gardener. I am active in my church and enjoy watching my daughters in their activities (dance, TaeKwonDo, and marching band).

8 thoughts on “How Heaven Helps You: 5 Key Benefits of Living Your Faith

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