What is compulsive shopping? It’s not uncommon to treat yourself to a shopping trip every now and then. You might even feel a burst of happiness when you make a purchase, or you’re able to get something you really want. The idea of ‘retail therapy’ is really something that can help put some people in a better mood. But, there’s a fine line between buying things frequently and compulsive shopping.
And, that line matters.
Compulsive shopping is when you feel the urge to buy something and can’t stop yourself, because the shopping has become a tool you use to manage uncomfortable feelings or situations. You may not even realize that's what you are doing, or how it started.
So, how can you know if your buying habits are actually compulsive shopping? There are a few characteristics to keep in mind. Once you have a better understanding of your own habits, you can work on making healthy changes and getting to the root of the issue.
Signs of Compulsive Shopping
The main idea behind compulsive shopping (or any other compulsive behavior, like drug/alcohol additions, compulsive eating, etc.) is that it provides a sort of temporary relief. People who do it are looking for a way to make themselves feel better. Or, they might be trying to avoid negative emotions.
Unfortunately, that good feeling from a purchase never lasts long. That’s often what leads to buying more, spending more frequently, etc. What’s worse, is that compulsive shoppers often feel guilt after they’ve made frivolous or expensive purchases, which can lead to even stronger negative thoughts or feelings of depression.
What does compulsive shopping look like? Some of the most common signs include:
- You have difficulty not making purchases, even if it’s something you don’t need
- You’re struggling with your finances
- You’re constantly looking online at shopping sites
- There are problems in other areas of your life because of your preoccupation with shopping/spending
Another sign of a problem is if you prefer shopping alone, or you try to be “discreet” when you do. You may not want others to know about your habit, so if you find that you’re trying to sneak around, consider that a red flag that you might be struggling with something more.
Understanding some of those signs can make it easier to realize you might have a problem. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy to accept. But, recognizing those issues is the first step in knowing if you’re a compulsive shopper. Sometimes, it can take someone else to help you recognize those symptoms. So, don’t be afraid to open up about your struggles with people you trust.
How to Deal With Your Compulsive Shopping
Again, the best way to start treating your struggles with compulsive shopping is to find out why you might feel the need to do it. Studies have shown that compulsive shoppers tend to have lower self-esteem and get easily stressed. But, it’s still crucial to determine what your personal "triggers" may be - what feelings or situations are hardest for you to experience without soothing yourself with buying something? Can you identify a pattern or theme in what initiates your shopping habits?

Also consider paying attention to what you tell yourself about your purchases. It is human nature to rationalize and make excuses for our bad habits. Perhaps you tell yourself that you are saving money because everything you bought was on sale, but it's still causing problems for you because you are having financial problems, or no where to store all those "bargains" you bought. Perhaps you tell yourself that you are buying stuff for future projects, crafts, hobbies, or gifts that you plan to make, but somehow that never happens. Paying attention to the half-truths you tell yourself that support your shopping habits can open up room for you to see where
Behavioral therapy can help you get to the bottom of those issues. It can also help you manage those impulses and other symptoms that might go along with your buying habits. If you’re continuously spending money and making purchases to make yourself feel better, changing those habits is necessary in order to keep yourself out of damaging situations.
If you’re worried that you might be compulsively shopping or you think you have a problem with it, feel free to contact me. Together, we’ll work on getting to the underlying causes of your shopping habits. From there, we can focus on managing your symptoms.
You don’t have to be worried if it feels like your compulsive shopping is taking over everything. With anxiety treatment, you can take control once again, and learn to find healthier ways of coping with whatever is going on beneath the surface.
Contact Me
I know how stressful and demanding it can be to make changes in your life, but you don’t have to figure it out on your own. Some of the benefits of individual therapy include:
- Having a safe, confidential space to work through life’s struggles
- Speaking openly with a highly-trained professional
- Learning to be curious about oneself and become more mindful about your choices
- Identifying relationship patterns that are helpful, or existing patterns that are interfering with your growth and wellbeing.
- I offer online therapy (video conference style of therapy), which provides an increased level of comfort as you could meet with me from the privacy and comfort of your own home or other location.
You can request a specific appointment time that fits your schedule. Once confirmed, you can complete all New Patient Intake paperwork online as well.
*** The tips offered in this article are for general information and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. For more personalized recommendations appropriate to your individual situation, please contact us or obtain professional guidance.
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