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Detour Change

Adjusting to a big life change is never easy, no matter how old you are. Whether you are finishing a degree, starting a new job, having a baby, facing a divorce, preparing to retire, or other major life change or transition, you are likely feeling pretty overwhelmed.

...continue reading "5 Ways to Navigate and Cope with Change"


Caring for Aging parents and kids

November is National Family Caregivers Month, where we acknowledge and honor the dedication of family members who provide care to loved ones, often with long hours of juggling demanding responsibilities with little time for themselves.

...continue reading "Lost in the Middle: 6 Tips to Manage the Strain of Caring for Your Parents & Your Children"


empty nest

There are plenty of stereotypes about what people go through when dealing with the empty nest transition. When you last child leaves the home, it can feel bittersweet.

...continue reading "5 Ways to Ease into the Empty Nest Transition"



Aug 30th is Grief Awareness Day. Most people think they know what grief is. But, there are so many stereotypes surrounding the process that it is often misunderstood. 

...continue reading "Good Mourning – Understanding Grief"


Retired couple

Congratulations on your retirement. After working for so many years, you’ve earned the opportunity to relax! But, for many people, retirement can start to feel overwhelming very quickly.

If you’ve worked most of your life, you probably looked forward to this time. Unfortunately, when you go from working to not working instantly, you can start to feel lost. It may even feel like your identity isn’t secure anymore. Some people get bored quickly with retired life or simply don’t know what to do with their time.

...continue reading "Retired – Now What?"


Heart broken

Dealing with a breakup is difficult at any age, and is almost always heartbreaking. Whether you’ve been with your partner for a short time or for years, it’s never easy to simply “get over” a relationship. 

However, there are some things you can do following a breakup that will be healthier and more beneficial to you.

...continue reading "Heartbreak? Healthy Ways to Handle a Breakup"


It’s easy to fall into the trap of letting your job define your life. People are working longer hours than ever and allowing their work to come home with them. Finding a work / life balance is difficult.

But, it’s important to prevent your career from defining who you are. Your job shouldn’t be your identity. The line between work life and your personal life can become blurry, or almost non-existent.

...continue reading "What is a Work/Life Balance?"


Game Over Broken Heart

Moving on after a breakup isn’t easy. It’s about more than just forgetting the past or letting go of the relationship.

Yet, knowing exactly how to get past a relationship once it’s over is important for your overall emotional health.

...continue reading "How to Move On When You Know the Relationship is Over"