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Romance Connection

Staying connected with one another in a relationship is crucial, yet it doesn't necessarily require big gestures or elaborate situations. 

In fact, some of the smallest things can leave the biggest impact on your relationship. Gestures you can put into practice each and every day can build connections while letting your partner know you care. 

...continue reading "Making Your Romance Last – Daily Acts of Connection"


Friends and social support helps us cope.

Friendships are crucial to everyone’s well being. Having a social support system, whether it’s in your church, your community, etc., can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and let you know you’re not alone. 

But, it’s not always easy to put yourself out there and make new friends. 

Whether you’re new to the area, or you’ve just always had trouble finding that solid support system in your life, don't despair! There are simple and everyday ways you can build social support and start to make friends for lasting, healthy relationships. 

...continue reading "7 Everyday Ways to Build Social Support & Make Friends"


angry fight

We all know that good relationships don’t just happen - they take work.  Whether the relationship is brand new or you have been together for years, you will still have times where you disagree and have conflict. This doesn’t mean that the relationship is doomed. However, it requires healthy communication skills to stay on track. When conflict and disagreements arise, there is a set of rules for “fair fighting.”

...continue reading "Rules of “Fair Fighting”"


Heart broken

Dealing with a breakup is difficult at any age, and is almost always heartbreaking. Whether you’ve been with your partner for a short time or for years, it’s never easy to simply “get over” a relationship. 

However, there are some things you can do following a breakup that will be healthier and more beneficial to you.

...continue reading "Heartbreak? Healthy Ways to Handle a Breakup"


Game Over Broken Heart

Moving on after a breakup isn’t easy. It’s about more than just forgetting the past or letting go of the relationship.

Yet, knowing exactly how to get past a relationship once it’s over is important for your overall emotional health.

...continue reading "How to Move On When You Know the Relationship is Over"


Couple holding hands

Values are the core principles that guide our daily choices. Your values can include a focus on things like family, friends, religion, and more. But, if your partner doesn’t share your values, the very things that drive the direction of your life, it can make your relationship difficult.

...continue reading "6 Steps to Realign Your Relationship with Your Values"


Couple arguing

Focusing on other’s faults is a natural human behavior. It’s called the negativity bias. But criticism is a behavior that can be incredibly damaging to your relationships—especially your marriage.

...continue reading "You Can Remove Toxic Criticism From Your Marriage"


Relationship Connection

Something feels off in your relationship. You don't feel as close as you used to be. You crave more intimacy and connection.

It could be as serious as infidelity. Or, it might just be that the honeymoon phase is over, life is busy and stressful, and you aren’t quite sure how to reconnect and move forward together.

Whatever the issue is, one key solution is to rebuild the intimacy and daily connection that has become weakened.

...continue reading "Relationship Repair: 7 Ways to Regain Your Intimacy and Connection"