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How Nature Soothes and Heals Us

Being out in nature is one of the best ways to destress and manage your mental health. Multiple studies have showcased the healing benefits of nature. It reduces stress, improves your mood, and can help with issues like depression and anxiety. 

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Body Image: Loving the Skin You're In

Body image is more than just body positivity and focusing on loving your appearance. An important part of body image goes much deeper. There’s nothing wrong with loving the way you look. When you see yourself in a mirror, you should be confident in your appearance and love yourself for exactly who you are. But, it’s even more important to honor the function of your body, not just the form. 

So, what does it really mean to love the skin you’re in? How can you truly love every inch of yourself while focusing on what’s inside instead of strictly looking at your appearance?

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Learning to practice the pause.

There’s no denying that we live in a busy, hectic society that rarely slows down to take a pause. It’s easy to fall into the pressure “trap” of trying to always be "productive" or packing your schedule too full. 

Unfortunately, that’s become the norm for far too many people. But, it can end up causing a lot of stress. That can quickly lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. It can also make you feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and not like yourself. 

While it’s often easier said than done to “slow down,” one thing you can do to improve your actions each day and to find some relaxation is to “practice the pause.” 

But, what does that mean, exactly? 

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Exploring the Power of Pets

There have been multiple studies to show the mental and physical health benefits of pets. It has even been found that simply being around a dog or petting it can boost your mood and make you feel better. That’s one reason why pet therapy has become so popular across the country.

If you have a pet at home, you probably have no problem singing their praises. Pet owners often treat their furry friends like family, and see the wonderful benefits they can provide.  But, it’s more than just that good, loving feeling you get after arriving home after a long day at work. It’s more than those sloppy kisses that make you laugh or the warm cuddles in the rocking chair. 

...continue reading "Animals Make Us Better: Exploring the Power of Pets"

Limiting the Suffering that Comes in Life

Have you over felt swamped by your emotions? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your feelings in situations? Do you notice that at times you get stuck in your emotional responses to life events? Well then maybe you may be getting sunk by the suffering that comes with "dirty pain".

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Random Acts of Kindness

After a year of strife and relationship disconnect, a renewed focus on kindness may be the best way forward. With the holidays well past and the blush of  Valentine’s Day fading, the remaining weeks of winter may feel long and dreary until spring finally arrives.

At times, you may need your spirits raised and your faith in humanity restored. Often, the best way to do this is to actively take part in that restoration.

What’s the easiest way to start? February 17, 2021, the day that kicks off Random Acts of Kindness Week.

...continue reading "Random Acts of Kindness Day: Let’s Celebrate Together"

Mindfulness helps self-compassion

More and more, mindfulness is being shown to offer incredible benefits for both physical and emotional health, including greater self-compassion. Mindfulness encompasses several main ideas and goals. These include increasing our awareness of the present moment and accepting our thoughts and experiences as they are. They also include learning to be intentional about our thoughts and actions.

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Limiting Suffering

No one wants to experience pain or suffering.  Just as we are hard wired to physically recoil from a hot stove, we are hard wired to want to avoid emotional pain and heartache. Yet, sometimes we find ourselves stuck "marinating" in the misery or making our pain more miserable in the way we address it.

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