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micromanaging boss

Working for a boss who micromanages you can make your entire workday feel overwhelming. You might think your employer doesn’t trust you. Or, you might even start to second guess your own abilities based on what they do or say. 

It’s difficult to do your best work and grow in your position when you’re constantly being micromanaged. Some bosses, especially those in new managerial positions, might not realize what they’re doing. 

Others, however, seem to be naturals when it comes to scrutinizing work and “hovering” over every task throughout your day. 

If you work for a micromanaging boss, what can you do? How can you cope every day at work, and how can you let go of that stress when you clock out? 

...continue reading "Is Your Boss Micromanaging You? How to Cope."


Men Mental Health

Mental health problems impact everyone – men and women. Unfortunately, there are so many stigmas surrounding mental health issues, and many of them cause men to avoid getting the treatment they need. 

...continue reading "Men & Mental Health: Why Seeking Help is Hard"


work balance

You’ve probably heard about the importance of a healthy work/life balance. Sometimes, that balance can get away from us. 

But, it’s more than just a saying. Balancing out your work life with the rest of your life is essential for your mental, physical, and emotional health. 

...continue reading "6 Signs Your Work & Life are Out of Balance"


Happy at Work

In the past, it was common for someone to start working with a company in their late teens or early twenties and stick with that job until they were ready to retire. Job hopping was considered risky, and stability was typically prioritized over chasing a passion.

But the modern labor market looks completely different—this isn’t your grandparents’ workforce!

...continue reading "Building a Career, Not Just Finding a Job – 4 Essential Traits"


angry man

Stress builds up, frustrations arise, and sometimes you just have a bad day. It’s not uncommon to feel anger or irritation by certain things (or people).

While getting annoyed once in a while isn’t a bad thing, it can become a problem if it becomes a pattern. It can start to take over your life. Anger is a normal healthy emotion. However, how you handle your anger can lead to very unhealthy and upsetting outcomes.

...continue reading "Anger Management: 7 Tips for Taming the Inner Beast"


Depression is the most common mental health condition in the world. While certain groups of people may have greater risk factors for it, it can affect anyone.  There appear to be fewer cases of male depression, but one of the reasons behind that is that fewer men seek help or receive an official diagnosis. 

...continue reading "Hidden Despair: Recognizing Signs of Depression in Men"


Retired couple

Congratulations on your retirement. After working for so many years, you’ve earned the opportunity to relax! But, for many people, retirement can start to feel overwhelming very quickly.

If you’ve worked most of your life, you probably looked forward to this time. Unfortunately, when you go from working to not working instantly, you can start to feel lost. It may even feel like your identity isn’t secure anymore. Some people get bored quickly with retired life or simply don’t know what to do with their time.

...continue reading "Retired – Now What?"


It’s easy to fall into the trap of letting your job define your life. People are working longer hours than ever and allowing their work to come home with them. Finding a work / life balance is difficult.

But, it’s important to prevent your career from defining who you are. Your job shouldn’t be your identity. The line between work life and your personal life can become blurry, or almost non-existent.

...continue reading "What is a Work/Life Balance?"