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Authentic Self title image.

It is easy to lose touch with our authentic self. Far too often, people think they can’t be who they truly are. Maybe it’s fear holding you back. Or, you might be uncertain whether people will like and accept you.  Expectations tend to dictate how we act, especially around others. Unfortunately, that makes it easy for our authentic selves to sink into the background. In some cases, you might completely lose sight of who you really are. 

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Today, it seems like burnout is disturbingly common. Pushing yourself too hard at work, taking on too many social obligations, or signing up for a heavy course load at school can all lead to burnout. But the warning signs of burnout have become normalized in our fast-paced society. Feeling exhausted or chronically stressed can seem like badges of honor in an intense profession. And sometimes, we even feel guilty if we aren’t “busy” or productive all of the time.

How can you recognize the signs of burnout early on? What can you do if you realize that you’re at risk for burnout? Let’s explore some of the telltale symptoms of burnout and discuss some prevention tips.

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5 Everyday Ways to Support Your Mental Health

If you’re juggling lots of responsibilities, you might feel you have little to no time to focus on your mental health. But it’s important to prioritize your mental health in everyday life. In the long run, neglecting your mental health can lead to depression, anxiety, and burnout. Taking steps to care for your mental health daily can boost your mood, increase your energy, and improve your overall outlook on life.

Thankfully, practicing strategies to maintain your mental wellbeing does not have to be time-consuming. Here are a few simple yet powerful lifestyle changes you can easily incorporate into your schedule. Don't underestimate how powerful a few small changes can make.

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Couple argues without resolution.

Ever wonder why it can be so hard to let things go and move on when an argument doesn't have a resolution? Have you thought about why you seem to mostly remember those arguments with your partner that were not worked out? Ever wonder why its difficult to leave some things in the past when there has been no resolution? Why it is we can forget so much but not our unfinished business? Well, one of the several reasons for this is the Zeigarnik Effect--boy, that was a mouthful!

...continue reading "Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger: Why Closure or Resolution Matters."

Mental health awareness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Despite this day originating in 1949, there are still so many negative stigmas surrounding mental illnesses and struggles, even in the 21st century.  It’s estimated that in the U.S. alone, about 1 in 5 adults struggle with some type of mental illness. With statistics like that, it is easy to see that mental health issues affect almost everyone - chances are that you, a friend, family member, or colleague is currently managing a mental health condition.

So, during this mental health awareness month, lets focus on stopping the stigma. 

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Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Tips to Manage your Negative Thinking

Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. That’s completely normal, and in most cases, they’ll go away on their own.  But, if you find that you’re consistently struggling with negative thinking, it can start to bring you down. Negative self-talk can be a huge blow to your self-esteem and confidence. Constant negative thoughts can also lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. 

So, what can you do to overcome negative thinking and take control of your thought patterns again? Let’s look at a few practical solutions.

...continue reading "7 Ways You Can Overcome Negative Thinking"

overactive mind creating insomnia and poor sleep

Most people understand the importance of getting enough sleep each night. But, that doesn’t mean it always happens! Sleep can be a struggle for a variety of reasons. But, when you have an overactive mind that won’t seem to quit when you’re trying to rest, it’s easy for frustration to set in. 

...continue reading "Overactive Mind at Night? Tips to Improve Sleep"

Cultivating laughter in difficult times.

Everyone’s heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine”. But, like many other old sayings, you might take those words with a grain of salt. 

In this case, however, that old statement isn’t far from the truth. There are many benefits to laughing, even in the most difficult of times. 

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