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Contemplating Change

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Many people think that making a change requires an instant decision, followed by instant action. But, change doesn’t have to happen “overnight”. Taking your time, slowing down, and thinking things through doesn’t make you lazy or unmotivated to make a change.  Rather, being contemplative can make you feel better and more confident in your change. 

According to the Stages of Change Model developed by Prochaska & DiClemente, each stage of change responds to different motivational supports. The model was designed for smokers who wanted to quit but were having a hard time doing so quickly, or cutting themselves off “cold turkey”. 

While it’s a great model to use for smoking and other addictions, it can be adapted to fit just about any major life change you’re going through. 

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Assertive Communication Skills

Some people think of being assertive as the same as being aggressive. They might not want to “come off” a certain way, so they hold themselves back from speaking what’s really on their heart and mind. The reality? Assertiveness is often helpful. 

But, that doesn’t make it easy for some of us to be more assertive in daily conversations. You might worry about offending others, or feel like you’re being “mean”. 

Unfortunately, when you aren’t ever assertive, it’s easy for people to walk all over you or think they can get away with treating you poorly. 

So, how do you find a balance between being assertive and not being “demanding”? How can you find your voice?  It’s easier than you might think if you’re willing to put some concrete steps in place. 

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Exploring the Power of Pets

There have been multiple studies to show the mental and physical health benefits of pets. It has even been found that simply being around a dog or petting it can boost your mood and make you feel better. That’s one reason why pet therapy has become so popular across the country.

If you have a pet at home, you probably have no problem singing their praises. Pet owners often treat their furry friends like family, and see the wonderful benefits they can provide.  But, it’s more than just that good, loving feeling you get after arriving home after a long day at work. It’s more than those sloppy kisses that make you laugh or the warm cuddles in the rocking chair. 

...continue reading "Animals Make Us Better: Exploring the Power of Pets"

Are You Prone to These Common Thinking Errors?

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Everyone has areas of struggle when it comes to balanced thinking.  It is so common that you may not even recognize it as a thinking error at all! Consider whether any of the following common thinking errors sound familiar, so that you can lessen the impact they have on your mental and emotional state.

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Stumbling blocks or stepping stones?  How to Grow From Your Difficulties

Stumbling blocks are a natural part of life. Some people struggle with mental health conditions like depression or anxiety that feel crippling at times. Others have to deal with the pain of a chronic condition or illness. Even sudden or unexpected life changes can cause you to stumble. Whether it’s a divorce, job loss, or the death of someone you love, there are likely going to be things that make you feel stunted or blocked from your original path.  

Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to get lost in those difficulties. In an effort to understand how and why it has happened, it is easy to start viewing them as failures. When you look at those difficult things that way, those stumbling blocks can feel like boulders. 

So, why not view them as stepping stones, instead? 

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Break Free from Analysis Paralysis!

It’s not uncommon to have a hard time making certain decisions. Some people struggle with it more than others. But, "analysis paralysis" takes that to extremes. Analysis paralysis occurs when your underlying anxiety makes it impossible to make a decision. You’ll question things and second-guess yourself endlessly as you try to come up with the “perfect” conclusion. It truly is a debilitating problem that can end up making you even more anxious. 

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Questions to Ask When Considering Medication for Anxiety or Depression

Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health conditions across the globe. Many people who deal with a mental health condition benefit from therapy or support groups. Some also choose to take medication in order to manage their symptoms.  But, is that the right choice for you? It’s normal to be hesitant about taking a prescription of any kind. So, it’s important to know what you should expect from anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medication if you think you need it.

With that in mind, let’s cover a few questions you should ask if you believe you need medication for anxiety or depression. 

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PTSD Awareness Day June 27

No one gets through life without some heartache and struggle. While we may not consider them "traumatic", anything that includes intense loss, helplessness, fright, or abuse can be traumatic. These might happen one time or over an extended period of time. Even witnessing a terrible event as a bystander or in the media can be traumatic. We may bounce back to normal pretty quickly, but sometimes, for some people, trauma doesn’t fade into memory or lose its visceral impact. Sometimes, trauma gets stuck in the mind and body, triggering reactions and upset that we’ve come to know as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

...continue reading "Is PTSD Affecting You? 7 Key Signs"