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Contemplating Change

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Many people think that making a change requires an instant decision, followed by instant action. But, change doesn’t have to happen “overnight”. Taking your time, slowing down, and thinking things through doesn’t make you lazy or unmotivated to make a change.  Rather, being contemplative can make you feel better and more confident in your change. 

According to the Stages of Change Model developed by Prochaska & DiClemente, each stage of change responds to different motivational supports. The model was designed for smokers who wanted to quit but were having a hard time doing so quickly, or cutting themselves off “cold turkey”. 

While it’s a great model to use for smoking and other addictions, it can be adapted to fit just about any major life change you’re going through. 

...continue reading "Time for a Change? Why it is OK to Slow Things Down & Think it Through"

New Years Resolution 2021

The year ahead needs a different kind of New Year’s Resolution. After the year we’ve had, plans to work out more and eat less are helpful, but might be superseded by resolutions more centered on our emotional health.

Consider what we’ve endured!

...continue reading "A New Take on New Year’s Resolution"


New Year's Resolution Canva Meme

Let’s Get Healthy!

It’s that Resolution time of year again! After a month of extra food indulgences, loosened adherence to diet and exercise, and increased stress-eating and social-eating, people across the globe commit to getting healthy in the New Year. Top goals tend to consistently include: eat healthier/lose weight and to exercise more.

...continue reading "8 Tips to Stick to Your Healthy Resolution"