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Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Tips to Manage your Negative Thinking

Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. That’s completely normal, and in most cases, they’ll go away on their own.  But, if you find that you’re consistently struggling with negative thinking, it can start to bring you down. Negative self-talk can be a huge blow to your self-esteem and confidence. Constant negative thoughts can also lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. 

So, what can you do to overcome negative thinking and take control of your thought patterns again? Let’s look at a few practical solutions.

...continue reading "7 Ways You Can Overcome Negative Thinking"

Limiting the Suffering that Comes in Life

Have you over felt swamped by your emotions? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your feelings in situations? Do you notice that at times you get stuck in your emotional responses to life events? Well then maybe you may be getting sunk by the suffering that comes with "dirty pain".

...continue reading "Suffering Succotash: Reducing the “Dirty Pain” of Suffering in Life"

Seasonal Affective Disorder or Winter Blues

For some people, it can feel like the long winter months of dreary days, cloudy skies and cold temperatures last forever. While the season can make anyone feel a little bit down, for those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, or winter blues), it can create even bigger issues. 

...continue reading "SAD Solutions: 7 Effective Alternatives to Medication for Seasonal Affective Disorder"


Understand Depression

When you’re dealing with depression, it’s easy to feel like you’re completely alone. Depression impacts everyone differently. While there are some common signs and symptoms, that doesn’t mean it is a “cookie-cutter” illness. 

So, it can be hard for friends and family members to truly understand what you’re going through when you’re depressed. 

...continue reading "Tips to Help Loved Ones Understand Your Depression"


Habits That Make Depression Worse

Trying to manage your depression can often feel like a full-time job. No one wants to experience symptoms like fatigue, low interest and motivation, or even the physical aches and pains that can come with depression. 

But, you could be making it harder on yourself to manage your depression than you realize. Certain habits can actually make your depression worse, and you might not even think about them. 

...continue reading "6 Habits That Make Depression Worse"


Depression is the most common mental health condition in the world. While certain groups of people may have greater risk factors for it, it can affect anyone.  There appear to be fewer cases of male depression, but one of the reasons behind that is that fewer men seek help or receive an official diagnosis. 

...continue reading "Hidden Despair: Recognizing Signs of Depression in Men"


September is National Suicide Awareness Month. None of us want to think about losing someone we love due to suicide. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. On average, one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. Two-thirds of the people who commit suicide suffer from depression.

...continue reading "Suicide Awareness & Prevention Month"


Coping Ven Diagram

Overwhelmed & Running on Empty?

Do you need more coping skills? No matter how hard we try, there will always be times when life’s challenges seem to be more than we can manage. Life is hard, and will inevitably have ups and downs. Often the most stressful parts of life are those times when we can’t FIX the problem, and we just have to cope with it.

...continue reading "Universal Ways to Improve Mood"