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Choosing Gratitude

We’re living in uncertain times. Our world often seems dark, dangerous, and difficult. Needless to say, it’s not always easy choose to be grateful and to find the positive amid negativity and conflict. 

But, gratitude can go a long way. There are still plenty of good things to appreciate in this world, and choosing to focus on those things can make a big difference in how you feel. It can also impact your outlook on life, and even rub off on others. 

Still, that might sound easier said than done. So, how can you choose to be grateful? How can you practice intentional appreciation every day? 

...continue reading "Choosing to be Grateful: Finding the Positive Amid Negativity & Conflict"

Uncertainty Apprehension

To say we’re living in uncertain times would be an understatement. From pandemics and wars to social unrest and economic struggles, it seems no matter where you look there’s something to worry about that makes our future seem filled with uncertainty. So, it should come as no surprise that more people are dealing with “apprehension tension.” 

Uncertainty can cause countless mental and physical health problems. It often contributes to anxiety, depression, stress, and can even lead to extreme fear. Because we’re dealing with such uncertainty in the world, it’s easy for anxiety to take over and start to control nearly everything you do. 

So, how can you fight back? 

...continue reading "Living with Apprehension Tension? Tips for Coping with Uncertainty."

How Nature Soothes and Heals Us

Being out in nature is one of the best ways to destress and manage your mental health. Multiple studies have showcased the healing benefits of nature. It reduces stress, improves your mood, and can help with issues like depression and anxiety. 

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Could you be a compulsive shopper?

What is compulsive shopping? It’s not uncommon to treat yourself to a shopping trip every now and then. You might even feel a burst of happiness when you make a purchase, or you’re able to get something you really want. The idea of ‘retail therapy’ is really something that can help put some people in a better mood. But, there’s a fine line between buying things frequently and compulsive shopping. 

And, that line matters.  

...continue reading "Could You be a Compulsive Shopper?"

Managing Emotional Burnout

You’ve probably heard of getting burnt out by things like work or extra responsibilities. But, have you ever heard of emotional burnout? It’s more common than you might think and occurs when what's draining you is more than what you are “depositing” into your overall emotional "bank account." Unfortunately, you might not even realize you’re burning out until you hit a low point. 

You might be able to manage to invest yourself in people, activities, work, etc., for a while. But, if those things are taking up all of your time, energy, and emotions, you will quickly become depleted. 

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Creative Ways to Match your self-care to your love language

Most people have at least heard of popular book "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, even if you’re not sure what all of them are. Love languages are most commonly used when it comes to dealing with your relationship, but  did you know you can also link your love languages and your self-care?

Self-care is becoming a more prominent practice than ever as more people realize just how necessary it is. So, it only makes sense to care for yourself and take part in activities that resonate with you based on your love language. 

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how you can connect your self-care activities with your love language(s) to make the most of them. 

...continue reading "Satisfying Ways to Match Your Self-Care to Your Love Language"

Learning to practice the pause.

There’s no denying that we live in a busy, hectic society that rarely slows down to take a pause. It’s easy to fall into the pressure “trap” of trying to always be "productive" or packing your schedule too full. 

Unfortunately, that’s become the norm for far too many people. But, it can end up causing a lot of stress. That can quickly lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. It can also make you feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and not like yourself. 

While it’s often easier said than done to “slow down,” one thing you can do to improve your actions each day and to find some relaxation is to “practice the pause.” 

But, what does that mean, exactly? 

...continue reading "Learning to “Practice the Pause”"

Coping with Holiday Grief

The holidays are supposed to be a time filled with joy, laughter, and excitement. But, if you’re experiencing a loss around any holiday, it’s difficult to feel that kind of joy that those around you might be sharing. 

Grief around the holidays isn’t uncommon. Maybe you recently lost someone you loved. Or, maybe you lost them years ago but you’re reminded of that every holiday season. 

Grief doesn’t even need to be connected to the loss of a person. Thanks to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been experiencing loss in many ways. Maybe you lost your job this year, or aren’t able to get together with your family because some of them are at a greater risk of getting sick. 

...continue reading "Coping with Grief During the Holidays"