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When you’re diagnosed with a chronic illness, almost every aspect of your life seems to be affected. Many adjustments must be made and it will take time to develop your sense of a “new normal.”  

That doesn’t mean your quality of life has to be less than it was before, but it definitely will be different. This is not an easy shift to make.

...continue reading "Chronic Illness – Finding Your “New Normal”"


mindful pain

If you have chronic pain or you can’t seem to resolve the discomfort from an injury, how can mindfulness help you?

Mindfulness has become quite a “buzzword” in recent years. It signals a way to help with everything from anxiety to depression. 

But, that isn’t to say mindfulness is simply a trend. This practice has gained a lot of attention for some very good reasons. 

...continue reading "6 Ways Mindfulness Helps Physical Pain"

pink ribbon

Over 250,000 women get diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the United States, alone. While there have been huge strides in breast cancer research and treatment options, receiving that official diagnosis from a medical professional is never easy. 

...continue reading "Coping with a Diagnosis of Breast Cancer"


Cucumber Facial

When you think of the term “self-care,” do images of spa days and bubble baths come to mind? While it’s true that self-care can definitely include pampering yourself from time to time, self-care is about a lot more than treating yourself to a luxury day. You need to expand your strategies!

True self-care means that you take time to address your needs and take care of your body and mind. It can be a very small, simple act or a large gesture, but it is never limited to luxury cosmetic treatments or expensive shopping sprees.

...continue reading "Self Care Strategies – More Than a Luxury Spa Day!"


Hearing the words “you have cancer” can make it seem as though your whole life has come to a screeching halt. Those words confirming a cancer diagnosis affect you and the people who love you profoundly.

Instantly, you are faced with challenges and decisions that no one wants to make.

While a cancer diagnosis can be different for everyone, there’s no denying that it changes things, no matter the stage or severity of your illness.

...continue reading "How To Cope When A Diagnosis of Cancer Changes Everything"



The phrase “self-care” gets thrown around a lot lately. So much so, that many people think it’s a luxury. Self-care can take many forms, and is vital for a balanced life. It is especially essential for those with chronic stress, illness or pain, who feel depleted much faster. It is the emotional first aid we all need.

Between busy schedules, work, family, etc., it can be hard to find time to take care of yourself, which is why it’s often viewed as an "extra" in life. The problem with self-care is that we often fail to see that it runs on a broad spectrum. Self-care doesn’t have to mean taking a day at the spa or meditating for hours each day. 

...continue reading "Why Self Care is a Necessity, Not a Luxury"


Whether you’re in constant pain or dealing with a prognosis that’s getting you down, it’s often hard to have a positive outlook when you have a chronic illness.

People telling you to think positively probably doesn’t help, especially when they aren’t able to relate to your specific situation. But, it’s important to understand that positivity can indeed help when you’re struggling.

...continue reading "Coping with Chronic Illness – How to Maintain Positive Outlook"


Band aid bear

If you suffer from chronic pain or illness, you’ve probably developed a close relationship with your doctor (or even a team of specialists). Seeking out the help of a medical doctor should always be your first line of defense when it comes to treatment.

As you go through medical treatment for your illness, your doctor might suggest therapy or counseling. It’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t a way to negate your illness. This does not mean that your doctor isn’t taking your symptoms or treatment seriously.

...continue reading "My Chronic Illness is NOT All in My Head!"