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How Nature Soothes and Heals Us

Being out in nature is one of the best ways to destress and manage your mental health. Multiple studies have showcased the healing benefits of nature. It reduces stress, improves your mood, and can help with issues like depression and anxiety. 

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Body Image: Loving the Skin You're In

Body image is more than just body positivity and focusing on loving your appearance. An important part of body image goes much deeper. There’s nothing wrong with loving the way you look. When you see yourself in a mirror, you should be confident in your appearance and love yourself for exactly who you are. But, it’s even more important to honor the function of your body, not just the form. 

So, what does it really mean to love the skin you’re in? How can you truly love every inch of yourself while focusing on what’s inside instead of strictly looking at your appearance?

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Exploring the Power of Pets

There have been multiple studies to show the mental and physical health benefits of pets. It has even been found that simply being around a dog or petting it can boost your mood and make you feel better. That’s one reason why pet therapy has become so popular across the country.

If you have a pet at home, you probably have no problem singing their praises. Pet owners often treat their furry friends like family, and see the wonderful benefits they can provide.  But, it’s more than just that good, loving feeling you get after arriving home after a long day at work. It’s more than those sloppy kisses that make you laugh or the warm cuddles in the rocking chair. 

...continue reading "Animals Make Us Better: Exploring the Power of Pets"

Living with a chronic illness can be difficult and sometimes lonely when others don't understand the limits you have. The people in your life who care about you deserve to know how they can help and support you. 

Additionally, having that support can boost your spirits and help you to get through the harder days of your illness. 

...continue reading "How to Help Loved Ones Understand Your Chronic Illness & Limits"

Chronic Illness During a Holiday (Year Round)

Dealing with a chronic illness at any time can take every last bit of energy and strength you have. When holidays roll around, whether it’s the middle of the summer and you’re celebrating the 4th of July or a birthday, or you’re already stressing over Thanksgiving and Christmas, it’s important to know how to take care of yourself and your illness.

There will be extra demands, extra stress, and it can often feel like you have less time for yourself. So, when your internal resources may already be running low, what can you do to manage your chronic illness? 

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Self Care Kit

The idea of self-care kit has become more familiar and appreciated in recent years. You can’t pour from an empty cup. And in the age of COVID-19, political protests, and social distancing, your cup likely needs to be refilled quite often and quite deeply.

So, whether you typically put others’ needs above your own, feel burned out, or routinely manage anxiety or depression, learning to pause and take care of yourself can help. 

...continue reading "Sensory Self-Care Kit"


Chronic Illness Flare up

Having a chronic illness is difficult and can make you feel very alone. But, worse than that is how unpredictable your symptom flare-ups can be. One day you could feel fine, and the next you could be overcome with sickness and pain. 

When you have a chronic illness, everyday tasks can sometimes feel overwhelming. You might find yourself staying in, or not wanting to do things you’d usually enjoy because the illness is unpredictable. Having a flare-up in front of others or when you’re out somewhere can be embarrassing and painful. 

...continue reading "Chronic Illness: The Frustration and Unpredictability of Flare-Ups"



Dealing with chronic pain or the symptoms of illness almost every day can greatly impact your quality of life. The pain itself is difficult enough to deal with, but if you can’t seem to find any relief it can significantly impact your emotional and mental state. 

Chronic pain can be debilitating. But, your mind and body have the power to shift focus from that pain, and help you cope and heal from the inside out. 

...continue reading "7 Healing Affirmations for Chronic Pain/Illness"