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Christmas tree close-up

Holiday stress! Remember when the holidays were fun? Perhaps you had to harken back to early childhood to answer that question accurately.

Let’s face it, the holiday season can be joyous and fun, but it has also become synonymous with stress. Travel plans, enormous expenses, reuniting with contentious relatives—you must juggle all of these factors and more along with your usual obligations. Combine that with a desire to have the ideal holiday image in your mind, and you have a perfect recipe for holiday stress and anxiety.

...continue reading "Dealing with Holiday Stress: Tips to Keep Anxiety Levels Low"


panic attack

Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, including a panic attack. It is important to recognize the symptoms and know the difference.

...continue reading "When Anxiety Takes Over: Recognizing a Panic Attack"


Fear scrabble tiles

Anxiety is your body’s response to stress. It’s natural in many ways. But, if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, it can completely take over and make you feel overreactive.

...continue reading "Coping with Anxiety: Why is my body so reactive and jumpy?"


PTSD Awareness Day June 27

June 27th is the National PTSD Awareness Day. It is a day to recognize the effects that PTSD has on the lives of everyone affected by it. This day was chosen in 2010 by the United States following then-Sen. Kent Conrad’s efforts to designate a day of awareness as a tribute to Army Staff Sgt. Joe Biel of the North Dakota National Guard. After his second tour of duty in the Iraq War, Biel suffered from PTSD and took his life in April 2007. Biel’s birthday, June 27, was chosen to mark PTSD Awareness Day and honor his memory.

...continue reading "National PTSD Awareness Day"


We can all sympathize with a friend who cancels plans because of a sick day. Few people expect a sick friend to show up for coffee! Anxiety, unfortunately, doesn’t always work the same way. When we need to cancel plans because we feel anxious, it can be easy to worry we just look flaky—from the outside, we probably seem fine, even if we’re freaking out in our heads. Of course, a canceled date here and there won’t be a problem, but if anxiety is a constant cause of canceled plans, it’s important we take care to be clear with our loved ones.

...continue reading "Tips to Save Your Friendship if Anxiety Makes You Cancel Plans A Lot"



Few things can destroy a sense of peace better than worry and anxiety. If you struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings, you understand the havoc anxiety can wreak on everyday life.

...continue reading "Peace is Possible! 5 Tips to Cope With Anxious Feelings"


Stress in Red Pencil

Stress and anxiety often get grouped together. Many people even think they’re the same thing. But, it’s important to know the difference between stress and anxiety, so you can really know what you’re dealing with.

...continue reading "Is this Anxiety or Just Stress?"

You may be surprised at what research has found. It can shed some light on the ways we unknowingly set ourselves up to NOT feel happy.
Smiley Faces

-Anthony Tzoumas, Ph.D.

Everyone wants to be happy. It is a common goal most of us have. But what is the best way to go about achieving it?  

  • Have you ever noticed that the harder you try to reach happiness, the more it seems to slip away?
  • Do you question how much control you have over feeling happy?
  • Is it luck? Genetics? Once you get out of debt, get a promotion, find the perfect spouse, etc.?
  • Do you think you are doing everything "right" but still can't find joy or peace?

You may be surprised at what research has found. It can shed some light on the ways we unknowingly set ourselves up to NOT feel happy.

...continue reading "Happiness: A Symptom of a Life Directed by Values"