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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Break Free from Analysis Paralysis!

It’s not uncommon to have a hard time making certain decisions. Some people struggle with it more than others. But, "analysis paralysis" takes that to extremes. Analysis paralysis occurs when your underlying anxiety makes it impossible to make a decision. You’ll question things and second-guess yourself endlessly as you try to come up with the “perfect” conclusion. It truly is a debilitating problem that can end up making you even more anxious. 

...continue reading "Breaking Free from Anxiety and Analysis Paralysis"

Overcoming Procrastination

Many people procrastinate from time to time. In fact, I started this blog several months ago.... Sometimes, it’s because you don’t want to get started on a big project. Other times, it’s far too tempting to get distracted by social media or fall down a YouTube rabbit hole. Perhaps you don't want to start something until you think you will get it just right, so perfectionism makes you delay.

Whatever the case, procrastination can be frustrating and can increase stress.

...continue reading "4 Tips to Overcoming Procrastination"

PTSD Awareness Day June 27

No one gets through life without some heartache and struggle. While we may not consider them "traumatic", anything that includes intense loss, helplessness, fright, or abuse can be traumatic. These might happen one time or over an extended period of time. Even witnessing a terrible event as a bystander or in the media can be traumatic. We may bounce back to normal pretty quickly, but sometimes, for some people, trauma doesn’t fade into memory or lose its visceral impact. Sometimes, trauma gets stuck in the mind and body, triggering reactions and upset that we’ve come to know as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

...continue reading "Is PTSD Affecting You? 7 Key Signs"

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Tips to Manage your Negative Thinking

Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. That’s completely normal, and in most cases, they’ll go away on their own.  But, if you find that you’re consistently struggling with negative thinking, it can start to bring you down. Negative self-talk can be a huge blow to your self-esteem and confidence. Constant negative thoughts can also lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. 

So, what can you do to overcome negative thinking and take control of your thought patterns again? Let’s look at a few practical solutions.

...continue reading "7 Ways You Can Overcome Negative Thinking"

overactive mind creating insomnia and poor sleep

Most people understand the importance of getting enough sleep each night. But, that doesn’t mean it always happens! Sleep can be a struggle for a variety of reasons. But, when you have an overactive mind that won’t seem to quit when you’re trying to rest, it’s easy for frustration to set in. 

...continue reading "Overactive Mind at Night? Tips to Improve Sleep"

Limiting the Suffering that Comes in Life

Have you over felt swamped by your emotions? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your feelings in situations? Do you notice that at times you get stuck in your emotional responses to life events? Well then maybe you may be getting sunk by the suffering that comes with "dirty pain".

...continue reading "Suffering Succotash: Reducing the “Dirty Pain” of Suffering in Life"

Comparing to others leads to insecurity and unhappiness.

It’s human nature to look at the lives of other people and compare them to your own.  This "social referencing" is not a new practice. Comparison has been going on since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, it can fuel feelings of jealousy and worsen insecurity, leading to lower self-esteem and doubts about your sense of self-worth. 

...continue reading "Dare to Not Compare"


Cancel Culture and Social Anxiety

Are you so worried about saying or doing the "wrong" thing? This component of social anxiety has been significantly worsened in recent months due to the "cancel culture."

...continue reading "Cancel Culture, Anxiety, & Indecision"