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Could you be a compulsive shopper?

What is compulsive shopping? It’s not uncommon to treat yourself to a shopping trip every now and then. You might even feel a burst of happiness when you make a purchase, or you’re able to get something you really want. The idea of ‘retail therapy’ is really something that can help put some people in a better mood. But, there’s a fine line between buying things frequently and compulsive shopping. 

And, that line matters.  

...continue reading "Could You be a Compulsive Shopper?"

Learning to practice the pause.

There’s no denying that we live in a busy, hectic society that rarely slows down to take a pause. It’s easy to fall into the pressure “trap” of trying to always be "productive" or packing your schedule too full. 

Unfortunately, that’s become the norm for far too many people. But, it can end up causing a lot of stress. That can quickly lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. It can also make you feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and not like yourself. 

While it’s often easier said than done to “slow down,” one thing you can do to improve your actions each day and to find some relaxation is to “practice the pause.” 

But, what does that mean, exactly? 

...continue reading "Learning to “Practice the Pause”"

Limiting the Suffering that Comes in Life

Have you over felt swamped by your emotions? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your feelings in situations? Do you notice that at times you get stuck in your emotional responses to life events? Well then maybe you may be getting sunk by the suffering that comes with "dirty pain".

...continue reading "Suffering Succotash: Reducing the “Dirty Pain” of Suffering in Life"

There are things you can do in your daily life that make anger easier to handle. There are also habits that can make it worse. Not only can those habits cause you to become angry more often, but they can make your bouts of anger more intense for everyone. 

So, what can you do to get a better handle on your anger?  One of the best things is to avoid those anger-inducing habits. Understanding what they are and how they affect you is a good place to start. 

...continue reading "5 Habits that Make Your Anger Worse"


Have you felt like as a culture we have lost the ability to civilly disagree with each other? Or have you noticed that in your relationships it seems like it is difficult to share different opinions and ideas without conflict? Well, it's possible to disagree without being disagreeable.

...continue reading "Disagreeing without Being Disagreeable: How to disagree appropriately"


angry man

Stress builds up, frustrations arise, and sometimes you just have a bad day. It’s not uncommon to feel anger or irritation by certain things (or people).

While getting annoyed once in a while isn’t a bad thing, it can become a problem if it becomes a pattern. It can start to take over your life. Anger is a normal healthy emotion. However, how you handle your anger can lead to very unhealthy and upsetting outcomes.

...continue reading "Anger Management: 7 Tips for Taming the Inner Beast"


Coping Ven Diagram

Overwhelmed & Running on Empty?

Do you need more coping skills? No matter how hard we try, there will always be times when life’s challenges seem to be more than we can manage. Life is hard, and will inevitably have ups and downs. Often the most stressful parts of life are those times when we can’t FIX the problem, and we just have to cope with it.

...continue reading "Universal Ways to Improve Mood"


pawns of opposite colors

Casual conversations can turn tense very quickly. It is often hard to manage the intensity of our feelings when discussing sensitive topics, like politics, religion, parenting, and other topics we care about. This is especially true when talking with family, friends, or coworkers who see things very differently than we do. How to keep the peace without sacrificing our beliefs? Here are some key points to keep in mind, as outlined by the APA.

...continue reading "Managing stressful conversations when you disagree politically."