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Living with a chronic illness can be difficult and sometimes lonely when others don't understand the limits you have. The people in your life who care about you deserve to know how they can help and support you. 

Additionally, having that support can boost your spirits and help you to get through the harder days of your illness. 

...continue reading "How to Help Loved Ones Understand Your Chronic Illness & Limits"

Tips for Work Life Balance When Working From Home During COVID

At first, working from home may have seemed like a really good thing. Not having to face COVID-19 daily while earning your paycheck from the couch wasn’t so bad in the scheme of things. In fact, you might’ve found you accomplished much more without commutes, coffee breaks, or even having to get fully dressed.

However, now we know that the new year will not wipe away our pandemic problem. We’ll still need to distance ourselves and work from our homes if we can. But, if you are like many people, the novelty of remote work has likely worn off. (Read more here about statistics of working from home).

...continue reading "Tips for Work – Life Balance when Working From Home During COVID"

Mindfulness helps self-compassion

More and more, mindfulness is being shown to offer incredible benefits for both physical and emotional health, including greater self-compassion. Mindfulness encompasses several main ideas and goals. These include increasing our awareness of the present moment and accepting our thoughts and experiences as they are. They also include learning to be intentional about our thoughts and actions.

...continue reading "4 Ways Mindfulness Helps Self-Compassion"

Limiting Suffering

No one wants to experience pain or suffering.  Just as we are hard wired to physically recoil from a hot stove, we are hard wired to want to avoid emotional pain and heartache. Yet, sometimes we find ourselves stuck "marinating" in the misery or making our pain more miserable in the way we address it.

...continue reading "Limiting our Experience of Suffering"

Face life challenges as a team.

Life will always have a certain amount of trials and challenges to face, and 2020 has given us more than our fair share it seems. Instead of turning on one another, though, how can couples face the challenging issues as a team... and win?

...continue reading "Facing Relationship Challenges as a Team During Trying Times"

Seasonal Affective Disorder or Winter Blues

For some people, it can feel like the long winter months of dreary days, cloudy skies and cold temperatures last forever. While the season can make anyone feel a little bit down, for those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, or winter blues), it can create even bigger issues. 

...continue reading "SAD Solutions: 7 Effective Alternatives to Medication for Seasonal Affective Disorder"

New Years Resolution 2021

The year ahead needs a different kind of New Year’s Resolution. After the year we’ve had, plans to work out more and eat less are helpful, but might be superseded by resolutions more centered on our emotional health.

Consider what we’ve endured!

...continue reading "A New Take on New Year’s Resolution"

Comparing to others leads to insecurity and unhappiness.

It’s human nature to look at the lives of other people and compare them to your own.  This "social referencing" is not a new practice. Comparison has been going on since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, it can fuel feelings of jealousy and worsen insecurity, leading to lower self-esteem and doubts about your sense of self-worth. 

...continue reading "Dare to Not Compare"