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overactive mind creating insomnia and poor sleep

Most people understand the importance of getting enough sleep each night. But, that doesn’t mean it always happens! Sleep can be a struggle for a variety of reasons. But, when you have an overactive mind that won’t seem to quit when you’re trying to rest, it’s easy for frustration to set in. 

...continue reading "Overactive Mind at Night? Tips to Improve Sleep"

Journal prompts for relationships

Are your relationships a function of bad choices and bad luck? Or could you make changes that might improve the way you live with and love others?

You’re in good company if your relationships leave you perplexed and somewhat dissatisfied from time to time. Relationships can be tough and messy at times. Hard times can strain the bonds that keep them together.

Yet, we need to be together, we want to connect and belong. And we want those things on deep levels with the people that mean the most to us. Even if you haven’t met the partner of your dreams yet, you likely still long to know the people in your circle well and want to feel deeply known too.

...continue reading "Journal Prompts for Relationships"

micromanaging boss

Working for a boss who micromanages you can make your entire workday feel overwhelming. You might think your employer doesn’t trust you. Or, you might even start to second guess your own abilities based on what they do or say. 

It’s difficult to do your best work and grow in your position when you’re constantly being micromanaged. Some bosses, especially those in new managerial positions, might not realize what they’re doing. 

Others, however, seem to be naturals when it comes to scrutinizing work and “hovering” over every task throughout your day. 

If you work for a micromanaging boss, what can you do? How can you cope every day at work, and how can you let go of that stress when you clock out? 

...continue reading "Is Your Boss Micromanaging You? How to Cope."

Cultivating laughter in difficult times.

Everyone’s heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine”. But, like many other old sayings, you might take those words with a grain of salt. 

In this case, however, that old statement isn’t far from the truth. There are many benefits to laughing, even in the most difficult of times. 

...continue reading "Cultivating Laughter During Difficult Times"

Collective Trauma COVID

Although there is hope on the horizon with the rollout of vaccines, the toll of COVID on individuals, families, and society has been high. Because we’ve been dealing with this virus for so long, our responses have changed. The term “collective trauma” has been used more than once to describe what everyone is going through. 

...continue reading "The Collective Trauma of COVID-19 Pandemic"

Social Media and Phone Addiction

Do you need a Day of Unplugging? Think about how often you look at your phone each day. How much time do you spend on social media? How many hours do you spend playing games on your tablet? 

The reality is, most of us are on some kind of device around the clock. For many, checking your phone first thing in the morning has become a habit, and spending all day in front of technology is the norm. 

...continue reading "A “Day of Unplugging”: What It is and Why You Should Participate"

Limiting the Suffering that Comes in Life

Have you over felt swamped by your emotions? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your feelings in situations? Do you notice that at times you get stuck in your emotional responses to life events? Well then maybe you may be getting sunk by the suffering that comes with "dirty pain".

...continue reading "Suffering Succotash: Reducing the “Dirty Pain” of Suffering in Life"

Random Acts of Kindness

After a year of strife and relationship disconnect, a renewed focus on kindness may be the best way forward. With the holidays well past and the blush of  Valentine’s Day fading, the remaining weeks of winter may feel long and dreary until spring finally arrives.

At times, you may need your spirits raised and your faith in humanity restored. Often, the best way to do this is to actively take part in that restoration.

What’s the easiest way to start? February 17, 2021, the day that kicks off Random Acts of Kindness Week.

...continue reading "Random Acts of Kindness Day: Let’s Celebrate Together"