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woman reading book

Do you prefer staying home at night instead of going out to a loud, crowded restaurant? Would you prefer to curl up and watch a good movie or read a book rather than experience the overstimulation of a bar or club?

...continue reading "Are You Socially Anxious, or Just Naturally Introverted?"



When you’re diagnosed with a chronic illness, almost every aspect of your life seems to be affected. Many adjustments must be made and it will take time to develop your sense of a “new normal.”  

That doesn’t mean your quality of life has to be less than it was before, but it definitely will be different. This is not an easy shift to make.

...continue reading "Chronic Illness – Finding Your “New Normal”"


Divorce papers

Whether your divorce is new or its been a while, you may find yourself longing for a fresh start. A new you. Perhaps the difficulties of your relationship took a toll on your energy, perspective, and self-esteem. Or maybe, you need help seeing yourself clearly as a single person after years of couplehood.

...continue reading "Redefining Yourself After Divorce"


Men Mental Health

Mental health problems impact everyone – men and women. Unfortunately, there are so many stigmas surrounding mental health issues, and many of them cause men to avoid getting the treatment they need. 

...continue reading "Men & Mental Health: Why Seeking Help is Hard"


mindful pain

If you have chronic pain or you can’t seem to resolve the discomfort from an injury, how can mindfulness help you?

Mindfulness has become quite a “buzzword” in recent years. It signals a way to help with everything from anxiety to depression. 

But, that isn’t to say mindfulness is simply a trend. This practice has gained a lot of attention for some very good reasons. 

...continue reading "6 Ways Mindfulness Helps Physical Pain"


work balance

You’ve probably heard about the importance of a healthy work/life balance. Sometimes, that balance can get away from us. 

But, it’s more than just a saying. Balancing out your work life with the rest of your life is essential for your mental, physical, and emotional health. 

...continue reading "6 Signs Your Work & Life are Out of Balance"


Forgiving Others

People often think it’s easier to hold onto a grudge than to forgive someone. After all, you can choose not to talk to that person. You can choose to block them out of your life completely. 

But, that doesn’t make the hurt or anger go away. Regrettably, holding onto a grudge or obsessing on the way someone hurt you often does more harm than good. 

...continue reading "Forgiving Others: Why it Matters & How to Begin"


Love Language: Physical Touch

As much as we might love a friend or a partner, if we have a different style of expressing it than our partner, a lot can be lost in translation. As Gary Chapman explores in his book "The 5 Love Languages" (which I summarized here), there are five different ways we express love, and prefer to receive affection in return. Today I will be discussing Physical Touch.

When our styles are different, we might be left feeling unloved or uncared for. To reduce how often this occurs, it’s important to understand how each person communicates love and which style they thrive on in return.

...continue reading "Love Language: Physical Touch"