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Shy or introverted woman hides face behind book.

If you are an introvert, it can seem like you are mis-matched for the roles and tasks around you that seem to prefer extroverts.

...continue reading "Being an Introvert in an Extroverted World"


Living in the Here and Now

We’re living in uncertain times, and thinking too much about an unknown future makes it hard to be in the here and now.

...continue reading "Living in the “Here and Now”"


Date ideas

Whether you’ve been with your partner for a few months or a few years, it’s always a good idea to have regular “date nights”. Setting aside that special time for your relationship can boost intimacy and communication. 

But, your date nights don’t have to follow a stereotypical pattern. You don’t always have to go to dinner and a movie or spend a lot of money in order to have a good time. 

...continue reading "Date Ideas That Don’t Break the Bank"


Have you felt like as a culture we have lost the ability to civilly disagree with each other? Or have you noticed that in your relationships it seems like it is difficult to share different opinions and ideas without conflict? Well, it's possible to disagree without being disagreeable.

...continue reading "Disagreeing without Being Disagreeable: How to disagree appropriately"


Conflict at Home During Shelter in Place

When you feel cooped up or you’re home with too many people at once, it can increase the risk of conflict. 

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed almost everyone’s lives in some way. At one point, nearly 95% of the country was under some kind of lockdown or shelter-in-place order. 

While some states are slowly starting to reopen, many others are still being encouraged to stay safe at home. 

...continue reading "Coping with Conflict at Home During Shelter in Place"


Habits That Make Depression Worse

Trying to manage your depression can often feel like a full-time job. No one wants to experience symptoms like fatigue, low interest and motivation, or even the physical aches and pains that can come with depression. 

But, you could be making it harder on yourself to manage your depression than you realize. Certain habits can actually make your depression worse, and you might not even think about them. 

...continue reading "6 Habits That Make Depression Worse"


Anxiety is often defined as an irrational fear of something. It comes in many forms and can trigger a variety of symptoms. It impacts people differently, so it’s not always easy for others in your life to fully understand how they can support you or even understand what you’re going through.

...continue reading "Tips to Help Explain Anxiety to Your Loved Ones"


Chronic Illness Flare up

Having a chronic illness is difficult and can make you feel very alone. But, worse than that is how unpredictable your symptom flare-ups can be. One day you could feel fine, and the next you could be overcome with sickness and pain. 

When you have a chronic illness, everyday tasks can sometimes feel overwhelming. You might find yourself staying in, or not wanting to do things you’d usually enjoy because the illness is unpredictable. Having a flare-up in front of others or when you’re out somewhere can be embarrassing and painful. 

...continue reading "Chronic Illness: The Frustration and Unpredictability of Flare-Ups"