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About Jennifer Tzoumas

I hold active licenses for independent practice in Texas and Pennsylvania, and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) granted from the PSYPACT Commission, that allows for independent practice in approximately 30 of the 50 United States (check to see if your state participates). I have been married for 25 years, and have two teenage daughters. Although I enjoy social gatherings in small doses, I am more of an introvert (I prefer working one-on-one, or in small groups). Outside the office, I consider myself an avid reader, recreational runner/weight lifter, and part-time gardener. I am active in my church and enjoy watching my daughters in their activities (dance, TaeKwonDo, and marching band).


October 2-8 Mental Health Awareness week. Mental health is a huge subject, that is impossible to cover completely in one article However, if you’ve never given much thought to your own mental health, there are some basics to consider that may help you. 

...continue reading "Mental Health Awareness: What You Need to Know"


Fear scrabble tiles

Anxiety is your body’s response to stress. It’s natural in many ways. But, if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, it can completely take over and make you feel overreactive.

...continue reading "Coping with Anxiety: Why is my body so reactive and jumpy?"


empty nest

There are plenty of stereotypes about what people go through when dealing with the empty nest transition. When you last child leaves the home, it can feel bittersweet.

...continue reading "5 Ways to Ease into the Empty Nest Transition"


September is National Suicide Awareness Month. None of us want to think about losing someone we love due to suicide. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. On average, one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. Two-thirds of the people who commit suicide suffer from depression.

...continue reading "Suicide Awareness & Prevention Month"



Gratitude practices are tremendously beneficial to our mental heath and well being, but are often misunderstood or thought to be the same thing as positive thinking.

There are certainly benefits to thinking positively and getting rid of negative self-talk, but practicing gratitude is more than that. 

...continue reading "Key Benefits of Gratitude Practices: More Than Just Positive Thinking"



Aug 30th is Grief Awareness Day. Most people think they know what grief is. But, there are so many stereotypes surrounding the process that it is often misunderstood. 

...continue reading "Good Mourning – Understanding Grief"


Friends and social support helps us cope.

Friendships are crucial to everyone’s well being. Having a social support system, whether it’s in your church, your community, etc., can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and let you know you’re not alone. 

But, it’s not always easy to put yourself out there and make new friends. 

Whether you’re new to the area, or you’ve just always had trouble finding that solid support system in your life, don't despair! There are simple and everyday ways you can build social support and start to make friends for lasting, healthy relationships. 

...continue reading "7 Everyday Ways to Build Social Support & Make Friends"


social media

Whether you think of it a good or an evil, social media is a large part of our lives in the 21st century. Most of us are on it more than we’d like to admit. So many social interactions happen through our screen these days. In some ways, this is a blessing: we can stay connected to friends and family anywhere in the world.

Social media, however, can be bad for our mental health, and understanding how to use it and when to set limits is so important for self-care. While it can be a great tool, it’s important to handle it responsibly.

...continue reading "Social Media and Mental Health"